Standards Partner of the Year

    • Standards Partner of the Year

      S. Fehniger 3.11.20

      Steven Fehniger, Principal Engineer, CDM Smith

      Steven has been selected as the 2019 Standards Partner of the Year. Mr. Fehniger has been active in HI for almost 10 years, and in that time quickly became an active and vital member of the technical community. He has served as a leader on a number of committees bringing focus and attention to detail. He has encouraged and supported others within his organization to do the same, and his participation has helped advance the technical work of the Hydraulic Institute on many levels.

      Currently, he is a contributing member on following committees: 14.7 Hydraulic Performance Field Testing, 9.6.4 Rotodynamic Pumps for Vibration Measurement and Allowable Values, 14.5.1 Foundation Design, and 14.6 Rotodynamic Pump Test. Also, He is serving as the Vice-chair of the 9.6.6 Rotodynamic Pumps for Pump Piping Committee and as a Work Group Leader for the General Revisions sub-group of that committee.

      Standards Partner of the Year Award

      Typically given on an annual basis, the Technical Affairs Steering Committee (TASC) awards the “Standards Partner of the Year” designation upon a deserving individual based on established criteria. 

      The designation is not always awarded on an annual basis, only when a deserving individual is identified.    The Technical Affairs Steering Committee (TASC) seeks recommendations for this award and, based on merit, awards an individual annually.


      This award is established to recognize the efforts and contributions of Standard Partners who have made a significant impact within their current position and have also contributed to the advancement of the work of the Hydraulic Institute. Nominees must be employed by a Standards Partner in good-standing.

      Annually the TASC will seek nominees from the members, Standards Partners and HI staff for individuals for consideration that meet the following criteria:

      • Personal support of HI and its mission
      • Support of deliverables over a period of years
      • A nominee should have made a significant accomplishment and/or a major contribution to the industry, in his or her position at standard partner company
      • A nominee should have made a significant accomplishment, either with the creation or contribution to a standard, technical guideline, educational initiative, program or activity of the Institute or programs important to the industry through providing exceptional voluntary efforts in one or more areas

      The Award is given at the discretion of the TASC only when a deserving candidate is nominated.

      It is recommended, but not required, that TASC seek wide-spread input from HI staff and the overall HI membership, inviting nominations in particular from HI 5+ Standards VIPs who wish to nominate a Standards Partner.

      Recipients can only receive an award on a one-time basis.


      TASC will make a final recommendation and vote for approval for the Standards Partner of the Year award recipient at the Fall Conference.  The award will presented without prior knowledge of the recipient.  The individual will be presented with a plaque at the Annual Conference.  A press release is issued by the Institute, and is often coordinated with the member’s corporate PR department to achieve the greatest publicity for the award.  A webpage on the HI site will be dedicated to announce the winner and will include his or her bio and photo, a company link, and a description of why the candidate was chosen. 

      Call for Nominees

      At the Technical meeting, TASC will call for nominations for the award. Individuals deserving of such recognition should be nominated with documentation of accomplishments that qualify that individual.  

      Past Standards Partner of the Year Recipients

      2018  William Marscher Mechanical Solutions Inc.
      2017   Ernest Sturtz CDM Smith - Water Services 

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