Privacy Policy

    • Hydraulic Institute Privacy Policy

      At the Hydraulic Institute (HI) and Pump Systems Matter (PSM) we respect your privacy rights and are committed to protecting your personal information at all times. We use cookies on our website to understand how you use the site and to improve your experience.  One of these cookies is required for the proper functioning of our site.  Tracking is used only to improve the performance and accessibility of our website.  We do not share your personal information outside HI unless required by law.

      We collect and use your personal information as a controller in order to manage our relationship with you and deliver superior service that you requested.

      We make every attempt to keep our information database up to date and accurate.  We are willing to disclose to you any personal information we may have about you, provided that there is no legal exemption and or restriction upon your request.  We educate our employees on our privacy guidelines and about their roles in complying with them.

      We collect information from various sources such as:

      • When you become a Member or Partner (all categories) of HI or PSM
      • When you meet with us at a trade show, event or when we speak on the phone.
      • When you provide information to us to attend an HI/PSM event or activity.
      • When you take one of our surveys
      • We may receive referrals from our clients and other contacts.
      • We may collect or purchase information from third parties including publicly available directories as part of our marketing activities.

      We may collect the following types of information:

      • name, business email address, phone number, physical address and billing details
      • job title, function and other professional details
      • information relevant to event attendance, such as meal and accommodation preferences and previous purchase history
      • opinions and other information submitted via our websites, surveys or other channels

      We may use your information as follows:

      • To communicate with you about your account & relationship with HI and PSM
      • To send you product and service related information, including marketing communications, subject to your choices
      • To respond to your questions, concerns, or customer service inquiries
      • To conduct research and analysis including surveys
      • To publish attendee lists for our events and to provide relevant information related to event program and hotels etc.
      • To comply with applicable laws, safety and property, and respond to lawful requests from public authorities

      Subject to your choices, we may also send you direct marketing communications via email.  You can change your marketing preferences at any time by contacting us at  If you subscribe to any of our newsletters, you can opt out at any time by using the unsubscribe links at the bottom of our emails.

      We may send you service communications relating to the programs, products or services we provide you via email (e.g. to inform you about changes to the product or service you requested from us, revisions of our terms and conditions or this policy). As such service communications are necessary for the purposes of providing you with our products or services or complying with out legal obligations, you will not be able to opt-out from receiving them.

      Retention of Information

      We will retain your information for only as long as needed to fulfill the purposes for which it is collected. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our business requirements, legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our assets and enforce agreements to which HI is a party.

      How we share your Information

      Any Information collected via our websites or when you contact HI or PSM support, will be processed in the United States by HI and PSM. We may share your personal Information with our affiliated entities and other third-party business partners, providers, vendors or contractors acting on our behalf and under our instructions for the purposes of operating our business, delivering, improving, and customizing our websites as well as our products and services, sending direct marketing and other communications related to our business and when needed, with your consent.

      Therefore, we may share personal information in the following ways:

      • Within HI and PSM or any of our affiliated entities located inside or outside of the EU/EEA, for purposes of data processing or storage;

      -       With HI and PSM’s business partners, vendors, authorized third-party agents or contractors to provide our products and services or facilitate transactions.  Examples include, but are not limited to: processing of orders, hosting websites and providing support.

      -       In connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company;

      -       As the case may be, for further protection of your privacy, HI and/or PSM will share your personal information in aggregated and/or de-identified form that cannot be used to identify you;

      Where mandated or permitted by applicable law, regulation or legal process, we will disclose your personal information to law enforcement officials, government authorities or other third parties, where such disclosure is in accordance with due process of law and binding upon HI or PSM, to the extent necessary to comply with legal process or meet national security requirements, protect the rights, property, or safety of HI and PSM, their business partners, you or others.

      Information Security

      We have implemented appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help prevent loss, theft, misuse, alteration, unlawful or unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Despite these measures, no data transmission over the Internet can be entirely secure, and we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit via email, our websites or apps.

      We make efforts to restrict access to information to only those employees and contractors who need such access in order to operate, improve, or deliver our programs, products, and services.

      Please note that you are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your credentials used to access any service with the Hydraulic Institute and we ask that you report suspected unauthorized activity to us.

      Access to Your Information

      You can request access to information we hold about you, ask us to update any information, and/or ask us to block or delete such information.  If you have any questions or like us to delete your information from our records, please contact us at

      California Privacy Rights

      Subject to certain limits under California Civil Code § 1798.83, California residents may request certain information regarding our disclosure of information to third parties or their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us as specified at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.

      European Union Rights

      HI and PSM are located and serve their corporate only Members or Partners in North America. However, even if we do not target individuals, we may be provided with information relating to individuals residing in the EU, as the case may be.  HI and PSM are located in the United States and serve their corporate-only Members or Partners who serve the North American market.

      If you reside in the EU, you have the right to access, free of charge, and obtain a paper or electronic copy, review, correct and update all your personal information stored by us, notably to confirm its accuracy. Subject to any relevant legal requirements and exemptions, you may also oppose to or limit the processing or your personal information or request that certain of your Personal Information be deleted from our records.

      You may also exercise you right to portability of your Personal Information where the lawful basis for the processing is (i) (a) a contract or (b) your consent and (ii) by automated means. Please note that such a request could be limited to the sole personal information you provided us with or that we hold at that given time and subject to any relevant legal requirements and exemptions, including identity verification procedures.

      HI and PSM will make reasonable efforts to comply with the aforementioned requests, unless such requests are prohibited by law, or there is a legitimate purpose to retain your personal information, in which case we will inform you without undue delay. We reserve the right to verify your identity before any request relating to your personal information processed by us. Please direct any questions about your personal information to


      Our websites and apps deliver business-related content and are specifically aimed at and designed for use by adults. We do not knowingly solicit or collect information from or about individuals under the age of 18 years.

      If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor under the age of 18 and believe that the minor has disclosed Personal Information to us, please contact us using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

      Changes to this Privacy Policy

      We may change this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the law, our data handling practices or the features of our services or Website. The updated Privacy Policy will be posted on this website. If we make material changes to this Policy, we will provide a more prominent notice, e.g. by sending you an email or other means, prior to the changes taking effect.

    We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. One of the cookies we use is essential for parts of the site to operate properly. To continue to use our site, please accept our use of cookies. To learn more, see our Privacy Policy.
     I accept cookies from this site.