Energy Efficiency Programs

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      Pump systems may account for 40% of industrial energy usage, but they don’t have to.

      As part of HI's mission to enable the adoption of pump systems that cut energy use, we manage an ecosystem of training, certification programs, and standards that work together to raise:

      • the credibility of the professionals designing and assessing pump systems 
      • the bar for pump system energy efficiency
      • awareness and adoption of high-performance, reliable and energy-saving pump technologies that generate long-term cost savings

        Better Business, Better World. Are there millions of dollars in energy savings coursing through your pump systems? 
        Industrial plant engineers and managers can find out more about the business case for energy-saving upgrades to their pump systems—and the positive impact of all that conserved energy. Below is a snapshot of HI’s recently released infographic. See the full version here.



      Metric, label, database, and utility resources that advances the use of energy efficient pumps.

      Learn more on the Energy Rating Program 

      Explore Utility Resources

      Search the HI Energy Rating Database

      Calculate Life Cycle Energy and Cost Savings with the Pump Savings Calculator. Watch the introductory video.  

      Teaches pump system fundamentals, assessment, and optimization.                                                                                                

      Explore HI Training Products


      Ensures compliance with the HI 40.6 test standard, qualifying pumps for listing in the Energy Rating Database.

      Learn More About Lab Approval  

      The U.S. Department of Energy regulations mandate more energy efficient pumps.                                                              

      Learn More About Regulations  


      Quantifies real savings and qualifies product for utility rebates.

      Learn More on the Energy Rating Program  

      The Energy Rating (ER) Program identifies pump technologies that capture energy and cost savings.
      Using a unique label, the program rates pumps and systems in the marketplace to show measurable comparisons of energy consumed.  Watch our video explaining how the HI Energy Label works.

      Get Smart.

      Smart pumps featuring integrated sensors and controls tend to have the highest Energy Ratings. These pumps are also likely to perform even better than pumps with separately installed sensors and VFD controls for greater reliability and reductions in operational costs. Check out this video from the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) to learn more. 



      Training Certification Test DOE Lab Energy
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