World Pump Market Report

    • World Pump Market

      Starting in the spring of 2017 all HI members will be eligible to receive, as a part of their membership dues, a copy of the new World Pump Market Report. This report provides analysis and five-year forecasts of the pump market by end use industry and select pump applications in 71 countries. This report will replace the European Industrial Forecasting World Pump Market Report which members have received annually since 2005.

      The report will be issued in April/May each year to each member company's designated recipient(s). All members are also invited to attend a web briefing by the report author, scheduled soon after the report release.  The briefing provides an overview of the current report and highlights significant trends and events which influence the global pump market.

      View a copy of the 2017 Report Table of Contents

      To learn more about the World Market Report:

      Contact Member Services

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