
    • One of the key benefits of HI membership is the Institute’s comprehensive Statistics Program. To compete successfully, pump manufacturers need to have a thorough and current understanding of the global and domestic pump market, including trends and projections into the future. However, many lack the resources to gather this information on an ongoing basis. That is why the Hydraulic Institute offers a number of services that together provide comprehensive market intelligence specific to the pump industry. It is one of the most valuable benefits of membership.

      Hydraulic Institute Statistics Reports

      HI statistics reports assemble a wealth of pump market data collected from HI members into concise, readable formats, enabling members to gain valuable strategic planning insights. These reports are produced exclusively for members of the Hydraulic Institute — and are FREE to participating members.

      • Monthly Report of Pump Orders Booked (M10) — U.S. Production
        This report provides current data on the dollar value of booked orders for centrifugal and vertical pumps in domestic markets, including estimates of market size by pump category. The data is delivered in spreadsheet format, which participants can download from a secure, password-protected site.
      • Quarterly Report of Pump Orders Booked (Q30) — Global Production
        This global report presents total quarterly pump order bookings by broad pump technology – centrifugal, vertical, or positive-displacement – for eight end-use destination world regions.
      • Operating Ratios Report (A02)
        The Annual Report of Operating Ratios provides, in convenient spreadsheet format, current data gathered from pump manufacturers on established measures of business operations and financial effectiveness. View the Operating Ratios Report Survey Form.
      • Human Resources Reports (A01 & A05)
        The Hydraulic Institute issues two reports annually that are designed specifically for human resources professionals in the pump industry. These reports on wages, salaries, and benefits provide a wealth of detailed information on labor costs and on benefit policies and trends among pump manufacturers.  View the Annual Salary Report Survey Form. View the Annual Hourly Wage and Fringe Benefit Report Survey Form.

      Confidentiality of participants’ data is ensured through strict application of HI statistics policies and procedures. Administration of the program is managed by NEMA Business Information Services.  Company specific data is never shared with HI staff, the HI Board of Directors, or any other HI member company.

      To subscribe or for questions regarding the Statistics Program:
      Contact Member Services

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