The Hydraulic Institute has partnered with the ITR Economics to develop a set of Economic Report Services for HI members. Members will have access to economic data and insights at a fraction of the regular subscription cost. Non-members can also take advantage of portions of this offer at higher rates. Download and complete the form to subscribe today!Enhance Your Planning Ability & Economic Insights: - Set effective budgets (financial, sales, capital resources)
- Set more effective sales forecasts
- Make informed capitalization decisions
- Identify growth markets
- Avoid unprofitable situations
- Take advantage of currency exchanges
- Focus on competitive pressures
- Effectively manage inventory levels and staffing
- HI members save over $10,000/year on ITR services
Economic report services available: Quarterly Economic Reports by Market and Region | | HI brings members a valuable new member service: Quarterly Economic Reports by Market and Region.Subscribers will be apprised quarterly of upcoming changes in the global economy and in specific domestic markets. In addition to the report, subscribers may attend quarterly audio briefings with ITR staff to review highlights of the most recent report and ask questions specific to their business interests. Knowing what changes are coming allows your company to increase or adjust activity by region or market, depending on your own particular circumstances. Each report will contain two parts: Part A - Macroeconomic - Charts, tables and supporting text for a forecast of US Industrial Production Index (the benchmark for the US economy) are included in the first part of the Quarterly Economic Reports by Market and Region. Supporting text includes information on key leading indicators and what these trends mean to those industries of interest.
- In addition, the report will also provide an analysis and forecast for each of the following major countries: Canada; Mexico; Brazil; Germany; UK; Japan; China.
- Macroeconomic forecasts will extend forward six quarters from each report date with annual forecast numbers for the year ahead. If warranted, refinements to the forecasts will also be included in the written quarterly reports.
Part B - Market Forecasts - Charts, tables and supporting text for the market forecasts will include information on key leading indicators and the impact these trends are likely to have on HI members.
- Each market forecast will extend forward for six quarters from each report date (12/12, 12 Month Moving Average and 3 Month Moving Average values) with annual forecasts numbers for the year ahead. If warranted, refinements to the forecasts will also be included in the written quarterly reports.
Major markets: - Water Supply
- Sewage Treatment
- Petroleum and Gas Extraction Production Index -NAICS 211
- Petroleum Refining - NAICS 32411
- Agriculture
- Building Industry: Private Nonresidential Construction
- Electric Power: Utilities Production -NAICS 2211,2
- Chemical Production, Inorganic - NAICS 32512-8
- Chemical Production, Organic - NAICS 32511,9
- Paper Production - NAICS 322
- Metal Mining Production Index - NAICS 2122
This list of market segments is not absolute and may be changed as needed over the course of time. These changes may result from a request from the HI or because of data availability issues from the Federal Reserve Board or other pertinent data sources. Report Timing: Subscribers will receive four (4) quarterly reports, scheduled for April, July, October and January. The reports will be provided via electronic means, or password-protected web-based access. Audio briefings are scheduled several weeks following the report release. | Monthly Forecast Updates, Web access, and Consulting | | Get monthly forecast updates via web-based access to the ITR Trends Report. This option allows you to use this tool for in-house planning and forecasting. Services include an Executive and Technical Summary, Industrial Production and Interest Rate Forecasts and analysis of over 40 economic indicators essential to companies who need to understand their economic environment and for planning for the future. The ITR Trends Report is used in conjunction with ITR Consulting Services. Gain real-time access to a significant number of additional value-added statistics offerings from ITR, as follows: - Access to ITR’s website which contains the latest data on key leading indicators
- Access to ITR economists with questions as to the meaning of general economic data and application of management objectives at the company level.
| Company-Specific Analysis | | Stay at least one-half business cycle ahead in the planning process by taking advantage of ITR’s Company Specific Analysis. ITR will confidentially compare your individual company data to leading and industry trends that are found in the ITR Trends Report (a monthly web-based report) and to the market series provided in the Quarterly Report by Market and Region. ITR will identify which leading indicators relate best to your business and what are the relevant timing relationships through business cycle highs and lows. You must subscribe to both the Quarterly Report and to the ITR Trends Report to be eligible. For the low one-time fee offered through the Hydraulic Institute, ITR will also provide you with the option of updating the charts on a monthly basis with your subscription. |
ITR Economics has been serving the needs of American business since 1948. ITR's proven experience is being successfully utilized by diverse American and European enterprises, from entrepreneurial firms to Fortune 100 multinationals.