Partner Participation Opportunities

    • Standards Partner Benefits

      Opportunities to Participate on Standards and Guideline Committees

      HI regularly updates its standards and welcomes input from our members and partners.  Any full-time employee of a Standards Partner company, or individual Industry Partner or Academic Partner , with appropriate technical expertise, may be eligible to participate in HI standards or guideline writing committees. Each technical expert applying to participate on an HI committee must complete a Technical Areas of Expertise form and, if interested in actively participating, identify one or more specific HI committees, keeping in mind how they can contribute to the scope, purpose and accomplishment of the deliverables of the committee. Such credentials will be presented to the committee at the next meeting for review and the applicant may or may not be invited to participate based upon the committee’s needs and the “balance” between current HI members, other consulting engineers, users and other interested parties on the committee. HI may also establish size limits on committees to maintain a manageable size.

      To learn more about HI Technical Committees and which ones are seeking new members visit the Technical Committees section.

      Participation, based upon such acceptance(s), may include any of the following:

      • Attendance and participation at appropriate HI committee meetings
      • Participation in standards review
      • Attendance at open function HI events
      • Presentations at HI meetings, with approval
      • Participation in the development of pump and pumping systems education
      • Contribute content in the development of pump and pumping systems educational programs or serving as an instructor 

      Extra benefits to the Standards Partner Program includes:

      • The Institute partners with the Valve Manufacturers Association (VMA) to present an annual Market Outlook Workshop, a unique program featuring a dozen dynamic industry and economic speakers covering a range of markets. Eagerly anticipated by HI members and standards partners, the workshop provides an invaluable opportunity to receive comprehensive market data and insights on the pump and valve industries.
      • HI's Career HQ provides an interactive job board that targets pump and pump systems professionals. It gives Standards Partners the opportunity to post available jobs in their organizations at a special, lower rate, as well as search resumes from HI's database of qualified candidates.
      • Connections to key government organizations: By maintaining a strategic perspective on government affairs and a strong presence in Washington, D.C., HI interacts on behalf of members and partners with a number of key influential organizations, including the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), US Department of Energy (DOE), US Department of Commerce, among others. 


      HI Partnership Programs do not imply membership in the Hydraulic Institute nor do they imply that the Hydraulic Institute offers an advantage over other non-members in the selection to participate on committees or in Standards review.  Partners will not have HI "Standards Voting" or "Executive Voting" privileges, as defined in the HI by-laws.

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