• What is the examination about?▼

      The certification examination is composed of 100 multiple-choice questions derived from the job-task analysis. It is designed to measure knowledge and skills in these key critical areas:  
      • Hydraulic systems behavior and its effect on energy, reliability and productivity
      • Pump performance characteristics and their relationship to overall system operation
      • Identification, qualification and quantification methods for estimating potential cost savings
      • Process and equipment data collection and analysis techniques
      • Analysis tools to conduct and manage pump system assessments
      • Reporting and documenting results to build a business case

      Am I required to attend any training or education program?▼
      While applicants may wish to participate in some formal education or training to help prepare for the examination, there is no requirement to participate in any specific course or education offering other than the academic credentials required for determining eligibility.
      How are examinations scored?▼
      The passing score is determined through a process called the cut score analysis using the Modified Angoff methodology. For this process, a panel of subject matter experts come to a consensus on their expectation for a minimally qualified candidate and use it as a guide to rate each question in terms of what percentage of candidates will get the answer right. The results of the subject matter experts combined estimate of the difficulty of the exam is presented as the passing score. Candidates will receive either a pass or fail letter rather than specific exam scores.
      What is a Certificate vs Certification?▼

      Certificates are often awarded by educational institutions or commercial entities for participating in specific training courses. It recognizes completion of a course or several courses at a certain point in time. The course content is developed by the course provider.

      An authentic professional certification is a formal recognition by a recognized and established professional organization that an individual has demonstrated a proficiency within, and comprehension of, a specified body of knowledge. Certification schemes require that individuals demonstrate these competencies by passing an exam developed by recognized subject-matter experts and experienced practitioners. Exam questions and pass scores are developed using psychometrics. Exams are formally administered under strict rules to ensure integrity.

      While earning a certificate is useful for providing evidence of a course completion, it should not be confused with the rigor and achievement of a professional certification.

      How can I get involved as a Certified PSAP?▼

      Get involved with HI committees

      • Contribute to the advancement of your profession
      • Network with your peers in your field

      Recommended committees to get involved with:

      HI 14.7 Field Testing Guidelines Committee

      HI 40.8 PSAP Program Guidelines Committee

      PSAP Certification Committee


      Educate the future with training

      • Provide training on 1-hour webinar sessions
      • Instruct live courses

      Share your knowledge and experiences

      • Write editorials and articles on widely published magazines
      • Contribute case studies for pump system assessments

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