Energy Rating

    • The HI Energy Rating (ER) Label is designed to clearly indicate the power savings obtained from pump system upgrades and changes. The savings is calculated over the baseline established by the U.S. Department of Energy according to HI Performance Test Standards. Click here for a video that explains how the ER Label and HI’s database can calculate energy savings and help utilities manage rebate programs.

      • Manufacturers use the ER Label to differentiate products by power consumption.

      • Public Utilities and Power companies use the ER Label and ER Certificate for incentive programs and rebates.

      ER $5000 v2

      Based on performance tests conducted in an HI Approved Pump Test Lab, 
      tested to HI Standards, incorporated by reference in the U.S. DOE Pump Efficiency Rule, 
      The HI Energy Rating Label is a mark of confidence.

      With the HI Energy Rating, it is possible to capture additional savings when a more efficient motor and/or controls are added to a pump after it has left the manufacturer’s facility, which is missed in the DOE requirements. The additional savings are reflected in the new Energy Rating Certificate, which reflects an updated Energy Rating due to the addition of a more efficient motor and/or controls to a pump listed in the Energy Rating Database. The unique Certificate for an Extended Pump Product is logged into the Energy Rating Database where it can potentially be used in areas where electric utilities provide deemed incentives. ER Certificates can be generated on Click here for a video that provides more information on the ER certificates.

      The HI Energy Rating Label and Certificate responds to the need for Public Utilities to identify products which perform in excess of a representative baseline so that prescriptive incentive programs can be developed. These programs will accelerate the adoption of more efficient products into the marketplace and contribute towards broad-based energy savings.  The ER Label and Certificate builds on DOE regulations and standardized performance testing that has been conducted in an independently audited and approved pump test lab.

      For Manufacturers: The HI 40.5-2016 Hydraulic Institute Program Guide for HI Energy Rating Program, details the requirements to participate and list pumps in the HI Program. The method to determine the HI Energy Rating is outlined in the Program Guide. The HI Energy Rating represents the percent power savings over a baseline case and can easily be used to estimate energy savings. Click here for the steps to participate. Contact Peter Gaydon at for additional information.

      For Utilities: The HI Energy Rating Portal provides links to search for products meeting the program requirements and validate their energy rating. Questions regarding the program or its use as part of a rebate or deemed incentive program should be directed to Peter Gaydon at

      Pump Test Standards: This Program utilizes the DOE energy conservation standards for pumps ( 10 CFR 431 Subpart Y – Pumps) which identifies pump equipment categories, and baseline performance for pump categories within the scope of the regulations. 

      Approved Labs: The HI approved pump test labs must demonstrate the capability to test to HI 40.6 and maintain instrumentation according to ISO 17025 through a third party audit as outlined in HI 40.7.

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