Pump Test Lab Approval Program (PTLAP)

    • The Pump Test Lab Approval Program (PTLAP), through a third-party audit, provides pump test labs the opportunity to demonstrate compliance to their established quality program, procedures, instrument calibration to ISO 17025 and pump testing to HI 40.6 Methods for Rotodynamic Pump Efficiency Testing. This was incorporated by reference in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Conservation Standard and Test Procedure for Certain Clean Water Pumps.

      In addition to assuring sound test lab equipment and procedures, the PTLAP enables manufacturers that tested pumps in an approved lab to list them in the HI Energy Rating Program. This enables deemed incentives for energy efficient pump listings. 

      The details to participate in the PTLAP are outlined in HI 40.7 Program Guide forPump Test laboratory Approval .

      Upon the successful completion of an audit, a pump test laboratory will be listed as an HI Approved Pump Test Laboratory, provided with a Certificate of Approval to communicate successful audit results to their customers and will receive logos to use for marketing purposes. These will demonstrate to customers that a participating lab has facilities and equipment capable of conducting testing per HI 40.6, employs a quality management program and competent personnel using prescribed testing procedures.

      Benefits of HI's PTLAP:

      1.     Positions pump OEMs to participate in the HI Energy RatingProgram.

      2.     Supports pump OEMs in complying with the testing requirements of the Energy Conservation Standard for Pumps.

      3.     Demonstrates that participating companies are taking the initiative to engage a third-party organization to audit their test labs to established standards

      4.     Drives sales of premium efficient pumps and extended products, with the support of  the HIEnergy Rating Program and utility rebate/incentive programs in the United States

      5.     Raises the image of the industry, and the veracity of pump efficiency ratings, and will serve to provide a competitive advantage to choose companies whose labs meet criteria of the HI 40.7 program guide and the HI 40.6 standard

      Purchase HI 40.6 Methods for Rotodynamic Pumps Efficiency Testing
      Download HI 40.7 Program Guide for Pump Test Laboratory Approval
      40 6 cover
      40 7 cover

      Learn about the application process to become an HI Approved Lab:
      PTLAP Application Process

      For administrative questions about the program and audit:
      Contact HI PTLAP Program Manager

      View HI Approved Pump Test Labs:
      PTLAP Approved Labs

      For technical questions about HI 40.6 or HI 40.7:
      Contact Peter Gaydon, HI Technical Director
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