About HI Committees

    • HI Logo

      Standards are an essential part of our national economy as we are a market-driven society. HI’s participation in the development of standards contributes to the global economy by meeting the needs of our stakeholders. We do this by contributing our technical expertise, shared goals, intellectual strength and resources and have been doing this since 1917.

      Committees are comprised of HI Members, Associate Members and Partners.


      Employee of a company that manufactures pumps

      Associate Member:

      Employee of a company that supplies products that are used in the manufacturing of a pump or pump related software and system integrators

      Standards Partner:

      Corporate partnership of end user companies, engineering consulting or engineering procurement and construction firms

      Industry Partner:

      Engineering consultants, pump end-users, and retirees from the pump industry

      Academic Partner:

      Professors, students from universities

      Young Engineer:

      Member under 35 years of age and less than 10 years of experience

      What do committees produce?

      ANSI/HI Standards and Guidelines:
      Standards which initially go through the HI ballot processes and then proceed onto the ANSI requirements for the canvass ballot.

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      HI Standards, Guidelines & Guidebooks
      Documents which will only go through the HI ballot processes and then out for publication. HI only documents will be subject to a peer review.
      Educational and other supporting programs for standards and guidelines will be developed in parallel for select standards and guidelines.

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      ANSI Logo

      HI is an ANSI accredited standards developer. ANSI is the voice of the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) empowers its members and constituents to strengthen the U.S. marketplace position in the global economy while helping to assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment.

      Why should you participate in the Technical Committees?

      • HI members work through a number of technical committees to develop draft standards and to represent their company’s interests. 
      • HI members, associate members and standards partners are encouraged to appoint representatives to all standards- and guideline-writing committees in which they have interest and expertise.
      • By actively participating, you ensure that the experience you have gained with your company’s own products is taken into consideration alongside that of all other participating manufacturers.
      • Develop standard methods that will ensure your products are designed, specified, tested, applied, installed, and are operated to industry best practices.  Limiting end users issues and warranty claims.
      • Committee participation provides Young Engineering Leaders with an opportunity to learn from the best and the brightest engineers in the pump industry.
      • HI’s technical leadership draws from the pump industry’s best, brightest, and most experienced pump engineers. For these engineers, participating in standards development committees provides a unique opportunity to learn from and share experiences with their veteran counterparts at other companies.

      HI Staff serves as the committee project manager, where committee membership is generally on a volunteer basis. Interested parties shall notify the Committee Chair and/or HI Staff to be added to the committee roster. Active participation is a requirement of continued membership and such will be monitored by the Committee Vice-Chair and will be reviewed at each Annual meeting. Today, HI members actively collaborate in the development and updating of over 30 ANSI/HI pump standards and a growing library of pump-related guidebooks and educational materials.

      Interested in Joining HI?

      Become a Member

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