Why become a PSM Sponsor?
When you become a Pump Systems Matter Sponsor, you join a collaborative network of professionals who are working together to identify the key market opportunities, technology, training, tools, education and incentive programs that will transform the pumping industry. There are three tiers to this program: Sponsor, Advocate, and Champion.
PSM Sponsors are recognized for their commitment towards Energy Efficiency in commercial and industrial applications. All PSM Sponsors receive the following:
- Company logo and link on the PSM Website aligning your organization’s mission with that of Pump Systems Matter
- Company Logo in the PSM Quarterly Newsletter
- A 25% discount on PSM Courses when hosting live courses for rate payers or their organizations
- A subscription to the HI Energy Rating Database of Efficient Pumps for the development of qualified product lists for rebates or incentive programs
- Sponsors are also eligible to participate in HI/PSM educational, advisory or other committee activities to help shape additional educational offerings to promote the energy efficient use of pumping systems. Individuals must have technical competency
to participate in committee activities
- Cost: $5,000 Annually
PSM Advocates are dedicated to educating users as a critical element of market transformation. They show their support by aligning education opportunities and providing tools to their rate-payers. All PSM Advocates receive the following:
- Full PSM Sponsor level benefits
- PSM Advocates receive access to branded tools to help rate payers identify and calculate efficiency opportunities in pumping systems
- Custom Webinars on Energy Efficiency for End-Users
- Feature Articles in Pump System Quarterly and other HI Media Partners showcasing how end-users have successfully achieved savings through a Pump Efficiency project
- PSM Advocates receive one (1) 50% ticket for HI Meetings/Conferences
- Cost $15,000 Annually
PSM Champions are true leaders of market transformation. They have additional opportunities to guide and shape the direction of energy efficiency in the commercial and industrial marketplace. All PSM Champions receive the following:
- Full PSM Sponsor level benefits
- Full PSM Advocate level benefits
- PSM Champion representative can hold seat on the PSM Board and help steer future programming to accelerate market transformation
- PSM Champion receive coordinated PR and marketing support, including case studies and promotion assistance to align PSM’s mission with your Organization
- PSM Champion receive an annual subscription for PSM Basic Training for 10 organizational seats
- PSM Champion receive two (2) 50% discounted tickets for HI Meetings/ Conferences
- PSM Champion provided an opportunity to present and/or share market information to the HI Board
- Cost $25,000 Annually
For more information on this program please contact: training@pumps.org
Current PSM Sponsors